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The TSI slant is a test tube that contains agar, a pH-sensitive dye (phenol red), 1% lactose, 1% sucrose, 0.1% glucose,[2] and sodium thiosulfate and ferrous sulfate or ferrous ammonium sulfate.

All of these ingredients are mixed together, heated to sterility, and allowed to solidify in the test tube at a slanted angle. The slanted shape of this medium provides an array of surfaces that are either exposed to oxygen-containing air in varying degrees (an aerobic environment) or not exposed to air (an anaerobic environment).

hindi Tell It Slant

A bacterium that is a non-lactose fermenter and ferments glucose, initially causes a yellow slant/yellow bottom (acid/acid reaction) after 8 hours but then converts to a red slant/yellow bottom after 24 hours (alkali/acid reaction). Whereas if it ferments both lactose and glucose, it results in a yellow/yellow tube and remains that way due to the large amount of acid produced in the reaction. Blackening of the bottom due to H2S production may mask the acid reaction (yellow) in the bottom of the tube. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi may result in blackening of the medium at the interface of bottom and the slant.

Under anaerobic conditions (as occur toward the bottom of the tube) some bacteria use thiosulfate as an electron acceptor and reduce it to hydrogen gas. This is not very soluble and may accumulate as bubbles along the inoculation track, between the agar and the glass, or in the fluid which accumulates at the bottom of the slant. Hydrogen production may lift the agar from the butt of the tube or fracture the agar (crack the agar). Carbon dioxide, if produced, may not show as bubbles because it is far more soluble in the medium.

A forward slash, often just called a slash, is a punctuation mark with several different uses in writing. It resembles a slanted line tilted toward the right (/) and can be confused with the backslash, a symbol that resembles a line tilted toward the left (\).

There are three dimensions of a cone. The vertical height (or altitude) which is the perpendicular distance from the top down to the base.The radius of the circular baseThe slant height which is the distance from the top, down the side, to a point on the base circumference.

These three are related and we only need any two to define the cone. We can then find the third missing dimension.From the figure above, we can see that the three dimensions form a right triangle,with the slant height as the hypotenuse, so we can use the Pythagorean theorem to solve it*.

By rearranging the terms in the Pythagorean theorem, we can solve for other lengths: The radius r can be found using the formulanew Equation("'radius r' = @sqrts^2 - h^2", "solo"); where s is the slant height h is the altitude. The altitude h can be found using the formulanew Equation("'altitude h'= @sqrts^2 - r^2", "solo"); where s is the slant height r is the base radius.

There are a couple ways to tell if your car needs a tire alignment. If you've noticed one or more of these indicators, you should have your alignment checked by a licensed service technician immediately.

hi , i am a native hindi speaker and can read urdu as well but i am unable to read it very fast,so can you help me regarding this issue of mine.I am quite fluent with urdu vocabulary and can read tough persian /arabic words easily but my only problem is that i have to concentrate very hard while assembling urdu letters.For eg i can read an urdu newspaper if i have time but if i try to read dynamic headlines on a tv channel then i struggle a bit.

I am working on Nastaleeq and am interested in knowing if there is possibly in English/Urdu a book dealing with the style which states how each character changes shape according to its environment (preceding/following). Thus noon in initial position has two shapes, a half cut bowl or a slant depending upon the character that follows.

This is awesome! I tried a few years ago to learn urdu scripts (for the reasons you mention, an intellectual thrill) but I found it very hard to read the script for words I didnt know (but hearing the same words, it was easy to figure out the context).Your breaking the code approach seems promising though, I will try it, and report back and maybe this time I will have more success!

Thanx a ton for this great article. It helped a lot in my determining to learn new urdu words. I write poems ( as an amateur ) in devnagri script but use many urdu words which are either a part of modern day hindi or what i have learnt from Bollywood songs. I would definitely love to get some advice from you on how can i improve my urdu vocabulary without learning to write Urdu script.Thanx again.Manoj Arya

I have always wanted to learn Urdu. I am a Tamilian who grew up in Delhi and am proficient in both Tamil and Hindi. I got interested in Urdu after I watched Mirza Ghalib serial on Doordarshan many years ago.I recently found a youtube site where someone is teaching Urdu script using Devanagari script: _query=learn+urdu+through+hindi+lesson.1Boy, o boy did i find Urdu tough! You bet i did.I still have fond hopes of learning the script someday but for now I am watching Urdu talk shows, news on Pakistan TV online!

can some body suggest a way to know the meaning of urdu words in hindi to enjoy gajal, shero shayri, i understand hindi well and some words of urdu but i can not read/write urdu script and not finding how to get correct meaning of sweet urdu words

The incidence angle is the angle between the radar beam and ground surface (A) which increases, moving across the swath from near to far range. The look angle (B) is the angle at which the radar "looks" at the surface. In the near range, the viewing geometry may be referred to as being steep, relative to the far range, where the viewing geometry is shallow. At all ranges the radar antenna measures the radial line of sight distance between the radar and each target on the surface. This is the slant range distance (C). The ground range distance (D) is the true horizontal distance along the ground corresponding to each point measured in slant range.

Unlike optical systems, a radar's spatial resolution is a function of the specific properties of the microwave radiation and geometrical effects. If a Real Aperture Radar (RAR) is used for image formation (as in Side-Looking Airborne Radar) a single transmit pulse and the backscattered signal are used to form the image. In this case, the resolution is dependent on the effective length of the pulse in the slant range direction and on the width of the illumination in the azimuth direction. The range or across-track resolution is dependent on the length of the pulse (P). Two distinct targets on the surface will be resolved in the range dimension if their separation is greater than half the pulse length. For example, targets 1 and 2 will not be separable while targets 3 and 4 will. Slant range resolution remains constant, independent of range. However, when projected into ground range coordinates, the resolution in ground range will be dependent of the incidence angle. Thus, for fixed slant range resolution, the ground range resolution will decrease with increasing range.

The azimuth or along-track resolution is determined by the angular width of the radiated microwave beam and the slant range distance. This beamwidth (A) is a measure of the width of the illumination pattern. As the radar illumination propagates to increasing distance from the sensor, the azimuth resolution increases (becomes coarser). In this illustration, targets 1 and 2 in the near range would be separable, but targets 3 and 4 at further range would not. The radar beamwidth is inversely proportional to the antenna length (also referred to as the aperture) which means that a longer antenna (or aperture) will produce a narrower beam and finer resolution.

Finer range resolution can be achieved by using a shorter pulse length, which can be done within certain engineering design restrictions. Finer azimuth resolution can be achieved by increasing the antenna length. However, the actual length of the antenna is limited by what can be carried on an airborne or spaceborne platform. For airborne radars, antennas are usually limited to one to two metres; for satellites they can be 10 to 15 metres in length. To overcome this size limitation, the forward motion of the platform and special recording and processing of the backscattered echoes are used to simulate a very long antenna and thus increase azimuth resolution.

Live programming is seen as the best route to making the channel more valuable to cable and satellite operators, and the company has said offering news and talk has helped it negotiate higher carriage fees and advertising rates. In recent months, Nexstar has added 8.5 million subscribers for NewsNation on over-the-top TV services such as Hulu, and 200,000 subscribers on traditional cable and satellite providers, offsetting losses due to cord-cutting.

Before you decide to inflate loops of your lower-zone letters, I must tell you that most of the cravings are often unfulfilled because they keep creating new ones. (Also read: Lower loops are also linked to sex drive.)

The nose is one of the most important facial features and can tell a lot about our personality and who we intend to be. Each nose is different from the other and it comes in various different shapes and sizes. Did you know that your nose can also give a peek into your untapped potential? Yes, here are the 5 most common types of nose and what they says about your destiny and personality.

As a heart surgeon, I can tell you that the outward appearance of a man's heart is identical to that of a woman's heart, but there are some very subtle differences. An average man's heart weighs 10 ounces, and a woman's heart weighs only 8 ounces. Women's hearts make up for their smaller size by beating a little faster. The average heart rate of a man is 70 beats/minute, and that of a woman is 78 beats/minute. 2ff7e9595c

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